Using cache buster with OpenUI5 outside SCP

When we work with SPAs and web applications we need to handle with the browser’s cache. Sometimes we change our static files but the client’s browser uses a cached version of the file instead of the new one. We can tell the user: Please empty your cache to use the new version. But most of the times the user don’t know what we’re speaking about, and we have a problem. There’s a technique called cache buster used to bypass this issue. It consists on to change the name of the file (or adding an extra parameter), basically to ensure that the browser will send a different request to the server to prevent the browser from reusing the cached version of the file.

When we work with sapui5 application over SCP, we only need to use the cachebuster version of sap-ui-core

<script id="sap-ui-bootstrap"
      data-sap-ui-resourceroots='{"app": ""}'

With this configuration, our framework will use a “cache buster friendly” version of our files and SCP will serve them properly.

For example, when our framework wants the /dist/Component.js file, the browser will request /dist/~1541685070813~/Component.js to the server. And the server will server the file /dist/Component.js. As I said before when we work with SCP, our standard build process automatically takes care about it. It creates a file called sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json where we can find all our files with one kind of hash that our build process changes each time our file is changed.

  "Component-dbg.js": 1545316733136,
  "Component-preload.js": 1545316733226,
  "Component.js": 1541685070813,

It works like a charm but I not always use SCP. Sometimes I use OpenUI5 in one nginx server, for example. So cache buster “doesn’t work”. That’s a problem because I need to handle with browser caches again each time we deploy the new version of the application. I wanted to solve the issue. Let me explain how I did it.

Since I was using one Lumen/PHP server to the backend, my first idea was to create a dynamic route in Lumen to handle cache-buster urls. With this approach I know I can solve the problem but there’s something that I did not like: I’ll use a dynamic server to serve static content. I don’t have a huge traffic. I can use this approach but it isn’t beautiful.

My second approach was: Ok I’ve got a sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json file where I can see all the files that cache buster will use and their hashes. So, Why not I create those files in my build script. With this approach I will create the full static structure each time I deploy de application, without needing any server side scripting language to generate dynamic content. OpenUI5 uses grunt so I can create a simple grunt task to create my files.

'use strict';

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var chalk = require('chalk');

module.exports = function(grunt) {
  var name = 'cacheBuster';
  var info = 'Generates Cache buster files';

  var cacheBuster = function() {
    var config = grunt.config.get(name);
    var data, t, src, dest, dir, prop;

    data = grunt.file.readJSON(config.src + '/sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json');
    for (prop in data) {
      if (data.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
        t = data[prop];
        src = config.src + '/' + prop;
        dest = config.src + '/~' + t + '~/' + prop;
            name + ': ' + chalk.cyan(path.basename(src)) + ' to ' +
            chalk.cyan(dest) + '.');
        dir = path.dirname(dest);
        fs.copyFileSync(src, dest);

  grunt.registerMultiTask(name, info, cacheBuster);

I deploy my grunt task to npm so when I need to use it I only need to:

Install the task

npm install gonzalo123-cachebuster

Add the task to my gruntfile


and set up the path where ui5 task generates our dist files

    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    cacheBuster: {
      src: 'dist'

And that’s all. My users with enjoy (or suffer) the new versions of my applications without having problems with cached files.

Grunt task available in my github

Working with SAPUI5 locally and deploying in SCP

When I work with SAPUI5 projects I normally use WebIDE. WebIDE is a great tool but I’m more confortable working locally with my local IDE.
I’ve this idea in my mind but I never find the time slot to work on it. Finally, after finding this project from Holger Schäfer in github, I realized how easy it’s and I started to work with this project and adapt it to my needs.

The base of this project is localneo. Localneo starts a http server based on neo-app.json file. That means we’re going to use the same configuration than we’ve in production (in SCP). Of course we’ll need destinations. We only need one extra file called destination.json where we’ll set up our destinations (it creates one http proxy, nothing else).

In this project I’ll create a simple example application that works with one API server.

The backend

I’ll use in this example one PHP/Lumen application:

$app->router->group(['prefix' => '/api', 'middleware' => Middleware\AuthMiddleware::NAME], function (Router $route) {
    $route->get('/', Handlers\HomeHandler::class);
    $route->post('/', Handlers\HomeHandler::class);

Basically it has two routes. In fact both routes are the same. One accept POST request and another one GET requests.
They’ll answer with the current date in a json file

namespace App\Http\Handlers;

class HomeHandler
    public function __invoke()
        return ['date' => (new \DateTime())->format('c')];

Both routes are under one middleware to provide the authentication.

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class AuthMiddleware
    public const NAME = 'auth';

    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $user = $request->getUser();
        $pass = $request->getPassword();

        if (!$this->validateDestinationCredentials($user, $pass)) {
            $headers = ['WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic'];

            return response('Backend Login', 401, $headers);

        $authorizationHeader = $request->header('Authorization2');
        if (!$this->validateApplicationToken($authorizationHeader)) {
            return response('Invalid token ', 403);

        return $next($request);


    private function validateApplicationToken($authorizationHeader)
        $token = str_replace('Bearer ', null, $authorizationHeader);

        return $token === getenv('APP_TOKEN');

    private function validateDestinationCredentials($user, $pass)
        if (!($user === getenv('DESTINATION_USER') && $pass === getenv('DESTINATION_PASS'))) {
            return false;

        return true;

That means our service will need Basic Authentication and also one Token based authentication.

The frontend

Our ui5 application will use one destination called BACKEND. We’ll configure it in our neo-app.json file

      "path": "/backend",
      "target": {
        "type": "destination",
        "name": "BACKEND"
      "description": "BACKEND"

Now we’ll create our extra file called destinations.json. Localneo will use this file to create a web server to serve our frontend locally (using the destination).

As I said before our backend will need a Basic Authentication. This Authentication will be set up in the destination configuration

  "server": {
    "port": "8080",
    "path": "/webapp/index.html",
    "open": true
  "service": {
    "sapui5": {
      "useSAPUI5": true,
      "version": "1.54.8"
  "destinations": {
    "BACKEND": {
      "url": "http://localhost:8888",
      "auth": "superSecretUser:superSecretPassword"

Our application will be a simple list of items

<mvc:View controllerName="gonzalo123.controller.App" xmlns:html="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m">
  <App id="idAppControl">
      <Page title="{i18n>appTitle}">
              <ObjectListItem id="GET" title="{i18n>get}"
                  <ObjectAttribute id="getCount" text="{/Data/get/count}"/>
              <ObjectListItem id="POST" title="{i18n>post}"
                  <ObjectAttribute id="postCount" text="{/Data/post/count}"/>

When we click on GET we’ll perform a GET request to the backend and we’ll increment the counter. The same with POST.
We’ll also show de date provided by the backend in a MessageToast.

], function (Controller, JSONModel, MessageToast, api) {
  "use strict";

  return Controller.extend("gonzalo123.controller.App", {
    model: new JSONModel({
      Data: {get: {count: 0}, post: {count: 0}}

    onInit: function () {

    getPressHandle: function () {
      api.get("/", {}).then(function (data) {
        var count = this.model.getProperty('/Data/get/count');"Pressed : " +;
        this.model.setProperty('/Data/get/count', ++count);

    postPressHandle: function () {
      var count = this.model.getProperty('/Data/post/count');"/", {}).then(function (data) {"Pressed : " +;
        this.model.setProperty('/Data/post/count', ++count);

Start our application locally

Now we only need to start the backend

php -S -t www

And the frontend

Debugging locally

As we’re working locally we can use local debugger in the backend and we can use breakpoints, inspect variables, etc.

We also can debug the frontend using Chrome developer tools. We can also map our local filesystem in the browser and we can save files directly in Chrome.


We can test the backend using phpunit and run our tests with
composer run test

Here we can see a simple test of the backend

    public function testAuthorizedRequest()
        $headers = [
            'Authorization2' => 'Bearer superSecretToken',
            'Content-Type'   => 'application/json',
            'Authorization'  => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('superSecretUser:superSecretPassword'),

        $this->json('GET', '/api', [], $headers)
        $this->json('POST', '/api', [], $headers)

    public function testRequests()

        $headers = [
            'Authorization2' => 'Bearer superSecretToken',
            'Content-Type'   => 'application/json',
            'Authorization'  => 'Basic ' . base64_encode('superSecretUser:superSecretPassword'),

        $this->json('GET', '/api', [], $headers)
        $this->json('POST', '/api', [], $headers)

We also can test the frontend using OPA5.

As Backend is already tested we’ll mock the backend here using sinon ( server

    opaTest("When I click on GET the GET counter should increment by one", function (Given, When, Then) {

    opaTest("When I click on POST the POST counter should increment by one", function (Given, When, Then) {

The configuration of our sinon server:

  function (server) {
    "use strict";

    return {
      init: function () {
        var oServer = server.initServer("/backend/api");

        oServer.respondWith("GET", /backend\/api/, [200, {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        }, JSON.stringify({
          "date": "2018-07-29T18:44:57+02:00"

        oServer.respondWith("POST", /backend\/api/, [200, {
          "Content-Type": "application/json"
        }, JSON.stringify({
          "date": "2018-07-29T18:44:57+02:00"

The build process

Before uploading the application to SCP we need to build it. The build process optimizes the files and creates Component-preload.js and sap-ui-cachebuster-info.json file (to ensure our users aren’t using a cached version of our application)
We’ll use grunt to build our application. Here we can see our Gruntfile.js

module.exports = function (grunt) {
  "use strict";


    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    watch: {
      js: {
        files: ['Gruntfile.js', 'webapp/**/*.js', 'webapp/**/*.properties'],
        tasks: ['jshint'],
        options: {
          livereload: true

      livereload: {
        options: {
          livereload: true
        files: [

  grunt.registerTask("default", [

In our Gruntfile I’ve also configure a watcher to build the application automatically and triggering the live reload (to reload my browser every time I change the frontend)

Now I can build the dist folder with the command:


Deploy to SCP

The deploy process is very well explained in the Holger’s repository
Basically we need to download MTA Archive builder and extract it to ./ci/tools/mta.jar.
Also we need SAP Cloud Platform Neo Environment SDK (./ci/tools/neo-java-web-sdk/)
We can download those binaries from here

Then we need to fulfill our scp credentials in ./ci/ and configure our application in ./ci/mta.yaml
Finally we will run ./ci/ (here we can set up our scp password in order to input it within each deploy)

Full code (frontend and backend) in my github account

PHP application in SAP Cloud Platform. With PostgreSQL, Redis and Cloud Foundry

Keeping on with my study of SAP’s cloud platform (SCP) and Cloud Foundry today I’m going to build a simple PHP application. This application serves a simple Bootstrap landing page. The application uses a HTTP basic authentication. The credentials are validated against a PostgreSQL database. It also has a API to retrieve the localtimestamp from database server (just for play with a database server). I also want to play with Redis in the cloud too, so the API request will have a Time To Live (ttl) of 5 seconds. I will use a Redis service to do it.

First we create our services in cloud foundry. I’m using the free layer of SAP cloud foundry for this example. I’m not going to explain here how to do that. It’s pretty straightforward within SAP’s coopkit. Time ago I played with IBM’s cloud foundry too. I remember that it was also very simple too.

Then we create our application (.bp-config/options.json)

"WEBDIR": "www",
"LIBDIR": "lib",
"PHP_MODULES": ["cli"],
"WEB_SERVER": "nginx"

If we want to use our PostgreSQL and Redis services with our PHP Appliacation we need to connect those services to our application. This operation can be done also with SAP’s Cockpit.

Now is the turn of PHP application. I normally use Silex framework within my backends, but now there’s a problem: Silex is dead. I feel a little bit sad but I’m not going to cry. It’s just a tool and there’re another ones. I’ve got my example with Silex but, as an exercise, I will also do it with Lumen.

Let’s start with Silex. If you’re familiar with Silex micro framework (or another microframework, indeed) you can see that there isn’t anything especial.

use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Silex\Provider\TwigServiceProvider;
use Silex\Application;
use Predis\Client;

if (php_sapi_name() == "cli-server") {
    // when I start the server my local machine vendors are in a different path
    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    // and also I mock VCAP_SERVICES env
    $env   = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../conf/vcap_services.json");
    $debug = true;
} else {
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $env   = $_ENV["VCAP_SERVICES"];
    $debug = false;

$vcapServices = json_decode($env, true);

$app = new Application(['debug' => $debug, 'ttl' => 5]);

$app->register(new TwigServiceProvider(), [
    'twig.path' => __DIR__ . '/../views',

$app['db'] = function () use ($vcapServices) {
    $dbConf = $vcapServices['postgresql'][0]['credentials'];
    $dsn    = "pgsql:dbname={$dbConf['dbname']};host={$dbConf['hostname']};port={$dbConf['port']}";
    $dbh    = new PDO($dsn, $dbConf['username'], $dbConf['password']);
    $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_UPPER);

    return $dbh;

$app['redis'] = function () use ($vcapServices) {
    $redisConf = $vcapServices['redis'][0]['credentials'];

    return new Client([
        'scheme'   => 'tcp',
        'host'     => $redisConf['hostname'],
        'port'     => $redisConf['port'],
        'password' => $redisConf['password'],

$app->get("/", function (Application $app) {
    return $app['twig']->render('index.html.twig', [
        'user' => $app['user'],
        'ttl'  => $app['ttl'],

$app->get("/timestamp", function (Application $app) {
    if (!$app['redis']->exists('timestamp')) {
        $stmt = $app['db']->prepare('SELECT localtimestamp');
        $app['redis']->set('timestamp', $stmt->fetch()['TIMESTAMP'], 'EX', $app['ttl']);

    return $app->json($app['redis']->get('timestamp'));

$app->before(function (Request $request) use ($app) {
    $username = $request->server->get('PHP_AUTH_USER', false);
    $password = $request->server->get('PHP_AUTH_PW');

    $stmt = $app['db']->prepare('SELECT name, surname FROM public.user WHERE username=:USER AND pass=:PASS');
    $stmt->execute(['USER' => $username, 'PASS' => md5($password)]);
    $row = $stmt->fetch();
    if ($row !== false) {
        $app['user'] = $row;
    } else {
        header("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm='RIS'");
        throw new HttpException(401, 'Please sign in.');
}, 0);


Maybe the only especial thing is the way that autoloader is done. We are initializing autoloader in two different ways. One way when the application is run in the cloud and another one when the application is run locally with PHP’s built-in server. That’s because vendors are located in different paths depending on which environment the application lives in. When Cloud Foundry connect services to appliations it injects environment variables with the service configuration (credentials, host, …). It uses VCAP_SERVICES env var.

I use the built-in server to run the application locally. When I’m doing that I don’t have VCAP_SERVICES variable. And also my services information are different than when I’m running the application in the cloud. Maybe it’s better with an environment variable but I’m using this trick:

if (php_sapi_name() == "cli-server") {
    // I'm runing the application locally
} else {
    // I'm in the cloud

So when I’m locally I mock VCAP_SERVICES with my local values and also, for example, configure Silex application in debug mode.

Sometimes I want to run my application locally but I want to use the cloud services. I cannot connect directly to those services, but we can do it over ssh through our connected application. For example If our PostgreSQL application is running on we can map this remote port (in a private network) to our local port with this command.

cf ssh -N -T -L 48825: silex

You can see more information about this command here.

Now we can use pgAdmin, for example, in our local machine to connect to cloud server.

We can do the same with Redis

cf ssh -N -T -L 54266: silex

And basically that’s all. Now we’ll do the same with Lumen. The idea is create the same application with Lumen instead of Silex. It’s a dummy application but it cover task that I normally use. I also will re-use the Redis and PostgreSQL services from the previous project.

use App\Http\Middleware;
use Laravel\Lumen\Application;
use Laravel\Lumen\Routing\Router;
use Predis\Client;

if (php_sapi_name() == "cli-server") {
    require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
    $env = 'dev';
} else {
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    $env = 'prod';

(new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . "/../env/{$env}"))->load();

$app = new Application();

    'auth' => Middleware\AuthMiddleware::class,


$app->router->group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function (Router $router) {
    $router->get("/", function () {
        return view("index", [
            'user' => config("user"),
            'ttl'  => getenv('TTL'),

    $router->get("/timestamp", function (Client $redis, PDO $conn) {
        if (!$redis->exists('timestamp')) {
            $stmt = $conn->prepare('SELECT localtimestamp');
            $redis->set('timestamp', $stmt->fetch()['TIMESTAMP'], 'EX', getenv('TTL'));

        return response()->json($redis->get('timestamp'));


I’ve created four servicer providers. One for handle Database connections (I don’t like ORMs)

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use PDO;

class DbServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()

    public function boot()
        $vcapServices = app('vcap_services');

        $dbConf = $vcapServices['postgresql'][0]['credentials'];
        $dsn    = "pgsql:dbname={$dbConf['dbname']};host={$dbConf['hostname']};port={$dbConf['port']}";
        $dbh    = new PDO($dsn, $dbConf['username'], $dbConf['password']);
        $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
        $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_UPPER);
        $dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE, PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        $this->app->bind(PDO::class, function ($app) use ($dbh) {
            return $dbh;

Another one for Redis. I need to study a little bit more Lumen. I know that Lumen has a built-in tool to work with Redis.

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Predis\Client;

class RedisServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()

    public function boot()
        $vcapServices = app('vcap_services');
        $redisConf    = $vcapServices['redis'][0]['credentials'];

        $redis = new Client([
            'scheme'   => 'tcp',
            'host'     => $redisConf['hostname'],
            'port'     => $redisConf['port'],
            'password' => $redisConf['password'],

        $this->app->bind(Client::class, function ($app) use ($redis) {
            return $redis;

Another one to tell monolog to send logs to Stdout

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Monolog;

class StdoutLogServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        app()->configureMonologUsing(function (Monolog\Logger $monolog) {
            return $monolog->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\ErrorLogHandler());

And the last one to work with Vcap environment variables. Probably I need to integrate it with dotenv files

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class VcapServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        if (php_sapi_name() == "cli-server") {
            $env = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/../../conf/vcap_services.json");
        } else {
            $env = $_ENV["VCAP_SERVICES"];

        $vcapServices = json_decode($env, true);

        $this->app->bind('vcap_services', function ($app) use ($vcapServices) {
            return $vcapServices;

We also need to handle authentication (http basic auth in this case) so we’ll create a simple middleware

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use PDO;

class AuthMiddleware
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $user = $request->getUser();
        $pass = $request->getPassword();

        $db = app(PDO::class);
        $stmt = $db->prepare('SELECT name, surname FROM public.user WHERE username=:USER AND pass=:PASS');
        $stmt->execute(['USER' => $user, 'PASS' => md5($pass)]);
        $row = $stmt->fetch();
        if ($row !== false) {
            config(['user' => $row]);
        } else {
            $headers = ['WWW-Authenticate' => 'Basic'];
            return response('Admin Login', 401, $headers);

        return $next($request);

In summary: Lumen is cool. The interface is very similar to Silex. I can swap my mind from thinking in Silex to thinking in Lumen easily. Blade instead Twig: no problem. Service providers are very similar. Routing is almost the same and Middlewares are much better. Nowadays backend is a commodity for me so I don’t want to spend to much time working on it. I want something that just work. Lumen looks like that.

Both projects: Silex and Lumen are available in my github

Real Time IoT in the cloud with SAP’s SCP, Cloud Foundry and WebSockets

Nowadays I’m involved with a cloud project based on SAP Cloud Platform (SCP). Side projects are the best way to mastering new technologies (at least for me) so I want to build something with SCP and my Arduino stuff. SCP comes whit one IoT module. In fact every cloud platforms have, in one way or another, one IoT module (Amazon, Azure, …). With SCP the IoT module it’s just a Hana Database where we can push our IoT values and we’re able to retrieve information via oData (the common way in SAP world).

It’s pretty straightforward to configure the IoT module with the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit (Every thing can be done with a hana trial account).


First I’m going to use a simple circuit with my NodeMcu connected to my wifi network. The prototype is a potentiometer connected to the analog input. I normally use this this circuit because I can change the value just changing the potentiometer wheel. I know it’s not very usefull, but we can easily change it and use a sensor (temperature, humidity, light, …)

It will send the percentage (from 0 to 100) of the position of the potentiometer directly to the cloud.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

const int potentiometerPin = 0;

// Wifi configuration
const char* ssid = "my-wifi-ssid";
const char* password = "my-wifi-password";

// SAP SCP specific configuration
const char* host = "";
String device_id = "my-device-ide";
String message_type_id = "my-device-type-id";
String oauth_token = "my-oauth-token";

String url = "https://[mytenant]" + device_id;

const int httpsPort = 443;

WiFiClientSecure clientTLS;

void wifiConnect() {
  Serial.print("Connecting to ");

  WiFi.begin(ssid, password);

  while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
  Serial.print("WiFi connected.");
  Serial.print("IP address: ");

void sendMessage(int value) {
  String payload = "{\"mode\":\"async\", \"messageType\":\"" + message_type_id + "\", \"messages\":[{\"value\": " + (String) value + "}]}";
  Serial.print("connecting to ");
  if (!clientTLS.connect(host, httpsPort)) {
    Serial.println("connection failed");

  Serial.print("requesting payload: ");

  clientTLS.print(String("POST ") + url + " HTTP/1.0\r\n" +
               "Host: " + host + "\r\n" +
               "Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8\r\n" +
               "Authorization: Bearer " + oauth_token + "\r\n" +
               "Content-Length: " + payload.length() + "\r\n\r\n" +
               payload + "\r\n\r\n");

  Serial.println("request sent");

  Serial.println("reply was:");
  while (clientTLS.connected()) {
    String line = clientTLS.readStringUntil('\n');

void setup() {


int mem;
void loop() {

  int value = ((analogRead(potentiometerPin) * 100) / 1010);
  if (value < (mem - 1) or value > (mem + 1)) {
    mem = value;



SAP Cloud Platform allows us to create web applications using SAPUI5 framework easily. It also allows us to create a destination (the way that SAP’s cloud uses to connect different modules) to our IoT module. Also every Hana table can be accessed via oData so and we can retrieve the information easily within SAPIUI5.

onAfterRendering: function () {
    var model = this.model;

    this.getView().getModel().read("/my-hana-table-odata-uri", {
        urlParameters: {
            $top: 1,
            $orderby: "G_CREATED desc"
        success: function (oData) {
            model.setProperty("/value", oData.results[0].C_VALUE);

and display in a view

<mvc:View controllerName="gonzalo123.iot.controller.Main" xmlns:html="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc"
          displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m">
            <Page title="{i18n>title}">
                    <GenericTile class="sapUiTinyMarginBegin sapUiTinyMarginTop tileLayout" header="nodemcu" frameType="OneByOne">
                            <TileContent unit="%">
                                    <NumericContent value="{view>/value}" icon="sap-icon://line-charts"/>

Cloud Foundry

The web application (with SCP and SAPUI5) can access to IoT values via oData. We can fetch data again and again, but that’s not cool. We want real time updates in the web application. So we need WebSockets. SCP IoT module allows us to use WebSockets to put information, but not get updates (afaik. Let me know if I’m wrong). We also can connect our IoT to an existing MQTT server, but in this prototype I only want to use websockets. So we’re going to create a simple WebSocket server with node and This server will be listening to devices updates (again and again with a setInterval function via oData) and when it detects a change it will emit a broadcast to the WebSocket.

SAP’s SCP also allows us to create services with Cloud Foundry. So we’ll create our nodejs server there.

var http = require('http'),
    io = require(''),
    request = require('request'),
    auth = "Basic " + new Buffer(process.env.USER + ":" + process.env.PASS).toString("base64"),
    url = process.env.IOT_ODATA,
    INTERVAL = process.env.INTERVAL,

server = http.createServer();
server.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000);

socket = io.listen(server);

setInterval(function () {
        url: url,
        headers: {
            "Authorization": auth,
            "Accept": "application/json"
    }, function (error, response, body) {
        var newValue = JSON.parse(body).d.results[0].C_VALUE;
        if (value !== newValue) {
            value = newValue;
            socket.sockets.emit('value', value);

And that’s all. My NodeMcu device connected to the cloud.

Full project available in my github

Taking photos with an ionic2 application and upload them to S3 Bucket with SAP’s Cloud Foundry using Silex and Lumen

Today I want to play with an experiment. When I work with mobile applications, I normally use ionic and on-premise backends. Today I want play with cloud based backends. In this small experiment I want to use an ionic2 application to take pictures and upload them to an S3 bucket. Let’s start.

First I’ve created a simple ionic2 application. It’s a very simple application. Only one page with a button to trigger the device’s camera.


<ion-content padding>
    <ion-fab bottom right>
        <button ion-fab (click)="takePicture()">
            <ion-icon  name="camera"></ion-icon>

The controller uses @ionic-native/camera to take photos and later we use @ionic-native/transfer to upload them to the backend.

import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Camera, CameraOptions} from '@ionic-native/camera';
import {Transfer, FileUploadOptions, TransferObject} from '@ionic-native/transfer';
import {ToastController} from 'ionic-angular';
import {LoadingController} from 'ionic-angular';

    selector: 'page-home',
    templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {
    constructor(private transfer: Transfer,
                private camera: Camera,
                public toastCtrl: ToastController,
                public loading: LoadingController) {

    takePicture() {
        const options: CameraOptions = {
            quality: 100,
            targetWidth: 1000,
            targetHeight: 1000,
            saveToPhotoAlbum: false,
            correctOrientation: true
        }; => {
            const fileTransfer: TransferObject = this.transfer.create();

            let options: FileUploadOptions = {
                fileKey: 'file',
                fileName: uri.substr(uri.lastIndexOf('/') + 1),
                chunkedMode: true,
                headers: {
                    Connection: "close"
                params: {
                    metadata: {foo: 'bar'},
                    token: 'mySuperSecretToken'

            let loader = this.loading.create({
                content: 'Uploading ...',

            loader.present().then(() => {
                let s3UploadUri = '';
                fileTransfer.upload(uri, s3UploadUri, options).then((data) => {
                    let message;
                    let response = JSON.parse(data.response);
                    if (response['status']) {
                        message = 'Picture uploaded to S3: ' + response['key']
                    } else {
                        message = 'Error Uploading to S3: ' + response['error']
                    let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
                        message: message,
                        duration: 3000
                }, (err) => {
                    let toast = this.toastCtrl.create({
                        message: "Error",
                        duration: 3000

Now let’s work with the backend. Next time I’ll use JavaScript AWS SDK to upload pictures directly from mobile application (without backend), but today We’ll use a backend. Nowadays I’m involved with SAP Cloud platform projects, so we’ll use SAP’s Cloud Foundry tenant (using a free account). In this tenant we’ll create a PHP application using the PHP buildpack with nginx

- name:    myApp
  path: .
  memory:  128MB
  buildpack: php_buildpack

The PHP application is a simple Silex application to handle the file uploads and post the pictures to S3 using the official AWS SDK for PHP (based on Guzzle)

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Silex\Application;
use Aws\S3\S3Client;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new Application([
    'debug'        => false,
    'aws.config'   => [
        'debug'       => false,
        'version'     => 'latest',
        'region'      => 'eu-west-1',
        'credentials' => [
            'key'    => $_ENV['s3key'],
            'secret' => $_ENV['s3secret'],

$app['aws'] = function () use ($app) {
    return new S3Client($app['aws.config']);

$app->post('/upload', function (Request $request, Application $app) {
    $metadata = json_decode($request->get('metadata'), true);
    $token    = $request->get('token');

    if ($token === $_ENV['token']) {
        $fileName = $_FILES['file']['name'];
        $fileType = $_FILES['file']['type'];
        $tmpName  = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];

        /** @var \Aws\S3\S3Client $s3 */
        $s3 = $app['aws'];
        try {
            $key = date('YmdHis') . "_" . $fileName;
                'Bucket'      => $_ENV['s3bucket'],
                'Key'         => $key,
                'SourceFile'  => $tmpName,
                'ContentType' => $fileType,
                'Metadata'    => $metadata,

            return $app->json([
                'status' => true,
                'key'    => $key,
        } catch (Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception $e) {
            return $app->json([
                'status' => false,
                'error'  => $e->getMessage(),
    } else {
        return $app->json([
            'status' => false,
            'error'  => "Token error",


I just wanted a simple prototype (a working one). Enough for a Sunday morning hacking.


I had this post ready weeks ago but something has changed. Silex is dead. So, as an exercise I’ll migrate current Silex application to Lumen (a quick prototype).

That’s the main application.

use App\Http\Middleware;
use Aws\S3\S3Client;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Laravel\Lumen\Application;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

(new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__ . "/../env"))->load();

$app = new Application();

    'auth' => Middleware\AuthMiddleware::class,


$app->group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function (Application $app) {
    $app->post('/upload', function (Request $request, Application $app, S3Client $s3) {
        $metadata = json_decode($request->get('metadata'), true);
        $fileName = $_FILES['file']['name'];
        $fileType = $_FILES['file']['type'];
        $tmpName  = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];

        try {
            $key = date('YmdHis') . "_" . $fileName;
                'Bucket'      => getenv('s3bucket'),
                'Key'         => $key,
                'SourceFile'  => $tmpName,
                'ContentType' => $fileType,
                'Metadata'    => $metadata,

            return response()->json([
                'status' => true,
                'key'    => $key,
        } catch (Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception $e) {
            return response()->json([
                'status' => false,
                'error'  => $e->getMessage(),


Probably we can find a S3 Service provider, but I’ve built a simple one for this example.

namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Aws\S3\S3Client;

class S3ServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function register()
        $this->app->bind(S3Client::class, function ($app) {
            $conf = [
                'debug'       => false,
                'version'     => getenv('AWS_VERSION'),
                'region'      => getenv('AWS_REGION'),
                'credentials' => [
                    'key'    => getenv('s3key'),
                    'secret' => getenv('s3secret'),

            return new S3Client($conf);

And also I’m using a middleware for the authentication

namespace App\Http\Middleware;

use Closure;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class AuthMiddleware
    public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
        $token = $request->get('token');
        if ($token === getenv('token')) {
            return response('Admin Login', 401);

        return $next($request);

Ok. I’ll post this article soon. At least before Lumen will be dead also, and I need to update this post again 🙂

Full project (mobile application and both backends) in my githubgithub