Keep our PostgreSQL databases syncronized with PHP. Database version control.

Last October I attended to PHP Barcelona 2010. One of the talk I really wanted to see was “Database version control without pain”. In this talk Harrie Verveer showed us different tools to keep synchronized our databases. This is a really common problem working with databases. Source code is well covered with source control management tools. I normally use mercurial (hg) but with git, bazaar or svn we can cover all our needs within source code. We create source code at development server and push the changes to production. It’s really easy to keep synchronized all our code. But with databases it’s different. Maybe Oracle’s people are few steps above the rest and they have something similar than source code control for database schema’s natively in the database. If you add a new column to a table, your schema will be transformed into a new version. Oracle database is great. It has incredible features and really good performance, if you can afford the fee. In this post I will try to solve this problem with PostgreSQL. A really good database similar than Oracle and open source and free (as “free beer” also)

It’s a recurrent problem working with databases. We create database objects (tables, views, ..) in the development server and when our application is ready to go live we push the changes to production server. If we are smart developers we save all database scripts in a file and when we deploy them to production we execute the script. There are tools to do it like dbdeploy or even phing (You must have a look to Harrie’s presentation to see all the possibilities). The problem is that we must be very strict and we must create the script even when we alter a column in a bug fix. It’s a hard work and it will be worthwhile but we must be mindful it’s really easy and fast to alter a column with a IDE (pgadmin for example) and very easy to forget to save the diff file. If you work alone maybe you can afford it but if you work within a team is difficult to ensure everybody update the diff file by hand. The purpose of this library is to create the diff scrip automatically according to the current state of the database. Lets’s start.

As Harrie said there isn’t a silver bullet solution (I really went to his talk finding the silver bullet 🙂 ). My first attempt was to use Doctrine2. Doctrine2 has a great tool called dbal. I tried to use it but I faced with a big problem, at least for me. I like to organize my database objects (tables, views, …) within schemas. With Doctrine2’s dbal I have problems and it doesn’t work as I think it must work. It assumes all objects are in the default schema and it doesn’t add “[schema].” to the information schema queries.  Maybe is my fault but If want to use dbal I need to hack the code. Because of that I started to write pgdbsync.

It would be cool to create a multi-database library to synchronize our databases. But it’s a huge work for doing alone so I’ve focused only on PostgreSQL, because is the database I mainly use in my daily work.

The Idea is to create a command line tool to create the need script to keep synchronized two (or more databases). We must take care we’re speaking about database’s schema. Not database’s data.

First I create a ini file with the configuration of each database connection. The user we use to connect to the database must have access to data dictionary in our PostgreSQL database.

TYPE = pgsql
HOST = development
PORT = 5432
DBNAME = developement
USER = user
PASSWORD = password

TYPE = pgsql
HOST = production
PORT = 5432
DBNAME = prod1
USER = user
PASSWORD = password

I’ve created a simple CLI script to use the library with getopt. You can see the script here.
The usage of the script is very simple. I have implemented three main actions: diff, summary and run.

  • diff: Calculates the needed script to keep synchronized the databases. Prints the script on the screen but it doesn’t executes anything.
  • summary: Shows a summary the differences. Not the full script. Useful to see the differences in a glance.
  • run: Calculates the diff function and executes it.

Let’s start. First we start with an empty database in Development and Production servers with a schema WEB in both sides (schema creation’s coverage is not supported by pgdbsync). Then we create a few objects on the development server.


) AS

-- Function hello
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION WEB.hello(item character varying)
  RETURNS character varying AS
   return "Hi " || item;
  COST 100;

Now our Development and Production servers are different. We need to execute the last script in Production, but instead of doing it we are going to check differences with our pgdbsync script.

The usage of pgdbsync command line script is the following one:

 -c [schema]
 -f [from database]
 -t [to database]
 -a [action: diff | summary | run]
./pgdbsync -s web -f devel -t prod -a summary
HOST : production :: prod1
 create :: WEB.hello(varchar)
 create :: WEB.test
 create :: WEB.testview

[OK]  end process

Here we can see our production server is different from the development one.

./pgdbsync -s wf -f devel -t prod -a diff
HOST : production :: prod1
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION web.hello(item character varying)
 RETURNS character varying
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
 return "Hi " || item;

CREATE TABLE web.test(
 test_name character NOT NULL,
 test_id integer NOT NULL,
 test_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT pk_test PRIMARY KEY (test_date)
ALTER TABLE web.test OWNER TO user;

 SELECT test.test_name, test.test_id, test.test_date FROM web.test WHERE (test.test_name ~~ 't%'::text);;
ALTER TABLE web.testview OWNER TO user;
[OK]  end process

and finally

./pgdbsync -s web -f devel -t prod -a run
HOST : production :: prod1

[OK]  end process

And that’s all. Our databases are synchronized. The library is not finished. Foreign keys are not supported yet, but it checks:

  • Tables
  • Constraints
  • Sequences
  • Views
  • Functions

To finish the demo we are going to drop the new objects at development server and we will run cli script again:

./pgdbsync -s wf -f devel -t prod1 -a diff

HOST : prododuction :: prod1

drop function web.hello(varchar);

DROP TABLE web.test;

drop view web.testview;

[OK]  end process

And we run the script:

./pgdbsync -s wf -f devel -t prod1 -a run
HOST : production :: prod1

[OK]  end process

Source code is available at Google, code here.

An important post I’ve read to understand to PostgreSQL’s information schema is this one from great Lorenzo Alberton. It really helped me building pgdbsync.

The Library is not finished yet and it may crashed in some cases (not all data-types are covered). I always check diff file before execute it. If you want to join me to develop the library, don’t hesitate to contact me :).

13 thoughts on “Keep our PostgreSQL databases syncronized with PHP. Database version control.

    1. Nowadays I only work with PHP 5.3. Maybe it works with <5.3 I think I don't use any new features of PHP 5.3 here but I cannot ensure it (PHP5.3 is the future 🙂 ).

      Currently I'm using postgreSQL 9. I haven't tested with 9. Probably will work I suppose data dictionary is the same, but I need to test it.

      1. the script have namespaces, only work in php 5.3 (i’ve made modifications to allow this work in php5.2). Also is needeed postgresql 9.0 because the querys to system tables.
        Thanks anyway, is a good starting point to make something for 8.4

      2. That’s right I’ve embraced php5.3 in all my projects and I use namespaces (php5.3 is the future 🙂 ). But de database I’ve used for all the tests is 8.4.4. Not 9 I don’t have any 9 installed yet. Probably it will work with 9 but I didn’t test it

  1. Hi Gonzalo,

    great post! I’m happy to see that you got inspired after seeing the talk 🙂 As you said, the aim wasn’t really to offer a silver bullet solution, but more to make people aware of the problem and get them to think about it. The script you made looks really cool, and I think it can be helpful for a lot of people who are writing patch files themselves at the moment. There are some more tools that offer similar functionality, but having it all in a small CLI-script is really convenient.

    Just wondering, you call it “pgdbsync”, but doesn’t it work for other databases as well? What happens if I replace “TYPE = pgsql” with “TYPE = mysqli” for example? Would that work?

    Keep up the good work.


    1. Many thanks. As you said the script “could” be multi-database. But that would mean to create all the build script from different databases. It’s a hard work for doing alone. I’ve create this library to help my daily work and now is mainly PostgreSQL (last years was Oracle). Because of that I changed the name. To reduce scope ;).

      I really wanted to use doctrine2 because it almost work in my scenario but if want to use doctrine2 “as is” I need to change how I organize my database objects.

  2. Hi, You have made startup of something that i’ve been looking for quite some time 🙂 As I see its 0.0 version so it needs some work. I think I could help You with developing it.

  3. Although I don’t use PostgreSQL I’ve found quite interesting all the information regarding this issue. I’ve been wondering for a long time how it could be managed database/schema versioning in PHP, but never happened to find the time to do some research. I wasn’t aware of any of the tools available nor I didn’t know about the most common practices. So, thanks for pointing to the Harrie Veveer talk!

    (On a side note, this would make for a great subject to discuss on a Melee talk!

  4. Hi Gonzalo,

    Thanks for this nice tool !

    I’ve forked it on github and committed some changes for further constraint support. I also made some fixes to get it to work with postgres 9.2/9.3.

    Have you ever considered publishing the project as a composer package? This would really ease my continuous integration process.

    1. Hey. Thanks. I must admit this project is quite abandoned. 5 yo without any change, without any test coverage I hope that it still works 🙂

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