Yet another Database Abstraction layer with PHP and DBAL

I’m not a big fan of ORMs. I feel very confortable working with raw SQLs and because of that I normally use DBAL (or PDO in old projects). I’ve got one small library to handle my dayly operations with databases and today I’ve written this library

First of all imagine one DBAL connection. I’m using a sqlite in-memomy database in this example but we can use any database supported by DBAL (aka “almost all”):

use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;

$conn = DriverManager::getConnection([
    'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
    'memory' => true

We can also create one DBAL connection from a PDO connection. It’s usefull to use DBAL within legacy applications instead of creating a new connection (remember that DBAL works over PDO)

use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;

$conn = DriverManager::getConnection(['pdo' => new PDO('sqlite::memory:')]);

Now we set up the database for the example

$conn->exec("CREATE TABLE users (
            userid VARCHAR PRIMARY KEY  NOT NULL ,
            password VARCHAR NOT NULL ,
            name VARCHAR,
            surname VARCHAR
$conn->exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES('user','pass','Name','Surname');");
$conn->exec("INSERT INTO users VALUES('user2','pass2','Name2','Surname2');");

Our table “users” has two records. Now we can start to use our library.

First we create a new instance of our library:

use G\Db;

$db = new Db($conn);

Now a simple query from a string:

$data = $db->select("select * from users");

Sometimes I’m lazy and I don’t want to write the whole SQL string and I want to perform a select * from table:

use G\Sql;
$data = $db->select(SQL::createFromTable("users"));

Probably we need to filter our Select statement with a WHERE clause:

$data = $db->select(SQL::createFromTable("users", ['userid' => 'user2']));

And now something very intersting (at least for me). I want to iterate over the recordset and maybe change it. Of course I can use “foreach” over $data and do whatever I need, but I preffer to use the following sintax:

$data = $db->select(SQL::createFromTable("users"), function (&$row) {
    $row['name'] = strtoupper($row['name']);

For me it’s more readable. I iterate over the recordset and change the row ‘name’ to uppercase. Here you can see what is doing my “select” function:

* @param Sql|string $sql
* @param \Closure $callback
* @return array
public function select($sql, \Closure $callback = null)
    if ($sql instanceof Sql) {
        $sqlString = $sql->getString();
        $parameters = $sql->getParameters();
        $types = $sql->getTypes();
    } else {
        $sqlString = $sql;
        $parameters = [];
        $types = [];

    $statement = $this->conn->executeQuery($sqlString, $parameters, $types);
    $data = $statement->fetchAll();
    if (!is_null($callback) && count($data) > 0) {
        $out = [];
        foreach ($data as $row) {
            if (call_user_func_array($callback, [&$row]) !== false) {
                $out[] = $row;
        $data = $out;

   return $data;

And finally transactions (I normally never use autocommit and I like to handle transactions by my own)

$db->transactional(function (Db $db) {
    $userId = 'temporal';

    $db->insert('users', [
        'USERID'   => $userId,
        'PASSWORD' => uniqid(),
        'NAME'     => 'name3',
        'SURNAME'  => 'name3'

    $db->update('users', ['NAME' => 'updatedName'], ['USERID' => $userId]);
    $db->delete('users', ['USERID' => $userId]);

The “transactional” function it’s very simmilar than DBAL’s transactional function

public function transactional(\Closure $callback)
    $out = null;
    try {
        $out = $callback($this);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        throw $e;

    return $out;

I change a little bit because I like to return a value within the closure and allow to do things like that:

$status = $db->transactional(function (Db $db) {
    $userId = 'temporal';

    $db->insert('users', [
        'USERID'   => $userId,
        'PASSWORD' => uniqid(),
        'NAME'     => 'name3',
        'SURNAME'  => 'name3'

    $db->update('users', ['NAME' => 'updatedName'], ['USERID' => $userId]);
    $db->delete('users', ['USERID' => $userId]);

    return "OK"

The other functions (insert, update, delete) only bypass the calls to DBAL’s funcitons:

private $conn;

public function __construct(Doctrine\DBAL\Connection $conn)
    $this->conn = $conn;

public function insert($tableName, array $values = [], array $types = [])
    $this->conn->insert($tableName, $values, $types);

public function delete($tableName, array $where = [], array $types = [])
    $this->conn->delete($tableName, $where, $types);

public function update($tableName, array $data, array $where = [], array $types = [])
    $this->conn->update($tableName, $data, $where, $types);

And that’s all. You can use the library with composer and download at github.

BTW I’ve test the new Sensiolabs product (SensioLabs Insight) to analyze the code and verify good practices and I’ve got the Platinum medal #yeah!

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